Welcoming PlaceWith Quality Care

Family Day Care is provided in the home of an Educator who is registered with a licensed Family Day Care Scheme, such as At Home Family Fay Care Scheme. Before gaining registration with a service, Educators are required to be qualified and meet regulatory and scheme requirements. Family Day Care is a Government-Approved Care Service. 


Services and Educators must adhere to the National Quality Framework, which aims to improve the overall quality and consistency of education and care services through:

  • A Set of National Quality Standards
  • Education and Care National Law
  • Education and Care National Regulations
  • Early Years Learning Framework: Belonging, Being, Becoming
  • School Age Care Framework: My Time Our Place
  • A National Quality Rating and Assessment Process

Family Day Care Educators can care for up to four (4) children under school age (including any of their own under school age children) with a maximum of seven (7) children in care (including school aged children). These smaller groups allow for a more collaborative relationship with families regarding their children, ensuring that we all work as a team to fulfil the children’s needs.

A team of experienced Practice Mentors provides Educators with resources and support in their home care environment. The Practice Mentors simultaneously monitor the Educators by conducting routine monthly home visits, telephone and email communications, and alongside regular professional development training opportunities throughout the course of each month. During each visit, the Practice Mentors get to know the children and provide feedback to families and Educators regarding these monthly visits.


What We Offer

Family Day Care Educators provide children in care with a small group home-based learning environment that includes a variety of educational experiences and activities designed to foster the individual development and interests of the children. Educators deliver play-based learning experiences to reflect each child’s needs.   

Family Day Care achieves a wide range of childcare requirements for families. Full-time care, part-time care, casual, before and after school care, vacation care for school-aged children during school holidays, evening hours, and occasionally overnight or weekend care are all offered through Family Day Care. As a result, Family Day Care is a flexible alternative for childcare and can be beneficial for parents/carers with irregular working hours, such as shift workers and weekend work.

Eligible families may be entitled to claim Child Care Subsidy (CCS) as a fee reduction when using Family Day Care provided by an Educator registered with At Home Family Day care Scheme. CCS assists families with the cost of care. Call 13 61 50 or visit the Family Assistance Offices Website, www.familyassist.gov.au, to learn more and determine your eligibility.

To enrol your child with one of our Educators or to be placed onto our current waitlist, please call the At Home Family Day Care Office at 07 3245 4721, or email info@athomefdcs.com.au and one of our friendly Practice Mentors will be happy to assist you.